वापस लेना
वापस लेना
= RETRACTउदाहरण : एक गोल्फ़र जो वापस लेता है, कोर्स पर पार हासिल कर सकता हैUsage : she made a false statement which she later retracted.
वापस लेना
= RECALLउदाहरण : वह जो उसने कहा उसे वापस लेना चाहता था।Usage : the recall of our ambassador
वापस लेना
= SCRATCHUsage : a golfer who plays at scratch should be able to achieve par on a course
वापस लेना
= REPOSSESSउदाहरण : एक परिषद एक प्रमुख व्यापार केंद्र को वापस लेगी।Usage : A council would repossess a flagship business centre.
वापस लेना
= TAKE BACKUsage : this photo takes me back to the good old days
वापस लेना
= DROP OUTUsage : In the second round, the challenger gave up
वापस लेना
= ROLLBACKउदाहरण : यह तस्वीर मुझे अच्छे पुराने दिनों मे वापस ले जाती हैं|Usage : this photo rollback me to the good old days.
वापस लेना
= DROPUsage : one drop of each sample was analyzed
वापस लेना
= WITHDRAWUsage : She decided to withdraw all her savings from the bank.
वापस लेना
= UNSAYUsage : He wanted to unsay what he had just uttered.
वापस लेना
= RETRACTATIONUsage : I made a retractation of smoking.
वापस लेना
= RETRACTILITYUsage : The retractility of the material allowed it to be easily folded and stored away.
वापस लेना
= TAKEBACKUsage : I want to takeback my words, I didn't mean to hurt you.
वापस लेना
= DRAW BACKUsage : A major drawback of living in big cities is the high pollution level.The main draw back in the deal was its enormons cost
वापस लेना
= CALL INUsage : the nurse called in the next patient
वापस लेना
= REVOKEUsage : He has revoked an agreement with his partner.
वापस लेना
= CANCELUsage : indigo has cancelled lot of flights in two days.